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Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hi parents, have you ever heard this phrases “stupid child, I didn’t teach you that” or something like this “Dumb, why don’t you stop crying”. And many more negative words while scolding a child. I don’t really blame you guys because sometimes we can’t control our emotion when we are tired, stress, fatigue and those words came out from our mouth unintentionally. But try avoiding using harsh or negative words because the child is in a learning process. They might imitate us. As parent we should remind ourselves we are their role model. You know that 80% of water contain in our body and how the molecule can be affected by sound and words. This had been explained by Dr Emoto and also included sometimes ago in this blog. No matter what stupid things done by our child they are in the learning state and we as parent also still learning. They’re still lot more to learn about life and the thing is it will never ends.
If we feel that our child are dumb, they are the dummies well actually we are dumber. Just think back when we are their age, are we as as smart as today. And for today are we that smart? What we should do is teach our child to do things the correct way, guide them not scolding with a harsh words.
Children are our future, what type of future do we want? In life we learn lot of thing from mistake. Mistake don’t make us stupid, it progress us to think. When parent overcome a mistake from reiterate we are actually progressing in our learning state. Creating a development for our future.
The analogy is if we are parent of our child than we are also a child to our parent. If we fell that we don’t do well in our life should we blame our parent for not raising us well? And so is our child would they blame us for not raising them well if they don’t do great in their life. So it’s either we are parent of the stupid (our child) or we are the stupid as a parent thinking that we are better than our child. We have to learn together as family for a better life.
From parent to parent have you come across this situation where by some other parents telling you this, “don’t do this, or your child will... blaa… bla…. Bla….And you thought well they know a lot, that’s a great parenting tips, perfect parenting are they? Is it a positive parenting way? Well as for me don’t imitate others. Be ourselves in a positive way. Some advice or tips can be taken but not all are suite with your parenting way. Be wise, our lifestyle and necessity are not the same for all parents. We as a human are different in our own way. The way of parenting may be adaptable for certain family as it suit with their life style, the way of their thinking and more. But may not suit with our life style and thinking. We are perfectly parenting in our own way as we know ourselves better and we know our family better. As long as we are parenting the positive way.
The conclusion is there’s no stupidity in positive parenting act. We have our own believes and principal that lead us with guide to live in this world, use it wisely. Follow it and we are parenting the right way.
I am not saying don’t ever study or taken advice from other parents or classes or books; learn from it and adapt what is suite with your parenting way. Don’t suffer yourself for something that you can’t meet.
Well others may have their own idea and this is my idea. No human are perfect and we ought to lots more of parenting mistake as we can’t see the future. Nobody knows what true or not in future so learn to know yourself and your family. I am still learning and so do my family. Happy parenting folks. Love our family, our children the legacy of our future. Want them to do the best start learning to the best for yourself.