Oh my, the baby is sick. This is a normal situation faced by most parents.A child immunisation is in growing up process. So it's easily for them to get infected.Even we try hard to avoid it sometimes things is inevitable. What's is your preparation having a baby in a house to overcome this situation. I am not a doctor but reading article on this advice is valuable. The article was written by a paediatrician. According to the article there are 6 type of medicine we should kept by having a baby in a house. And the medication is easy to get at the nearest pharmacy.
1. Pain Release/fever For a 6 months old and below acetaminophen/Panadol syrup is safest medication for them to release pain or fever. Avoid giving Ibuprofen unless advice by a doctor. Because ibuprofen effect the metabolism of kidney. An example brands is panadol syrup
2. Antihistamine Oral Effective to cure running nose or itchy eyes from allergy or to cure the reflect of allergy to other medication. This medication can cause doziness. Find out more about this medication here http://www.allergyescape.com/best-antihistamines.html
3. Saline Nose Drop/Nasal spray When they are having a difficulty to breath due to nose blocked (snuffles) Due to mucus collect in nose.Drop of this salt water make them easy to breath.
4. Electrolyte Remedy re hydration solution can solve a dehydration problem such as vomiting and diarrhea. The medication usually is an energy drink contain of sugar,salt,mineral and others.

5. Hydrocortisone Cream An anti inflammation cream that can be used for light rashes skin to eczema or insect bites. But it is better to consult a paedetrician if it is a cause looks like rashes for we afarid it might be impetigo . A light rashes can be treated with calamine lotion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calamine
6. Antibiotik Balm. To avoid virus/bacteria infection on small injury.

To all of my friends out there I hope this info can benefit us on growing up our babies. And remember we have to pay an extra attention to babies. If you would love to know more about the medication ad way to use it visit this website http://www.nlm.nih.gov