". PEARLKID: May 2013

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Internet World , The Influence for Good or Bad ?

Hi, for years thought nothing more to shares. In fact many things that can be shared and would even just a little information it is definitely usable for some individuals. It is all up to the individual to decide.Just a tiny things to share.Hoping for a better world.

I am originally blogging as my interest to share information between people in the world. I was certainly more to get information from fellow colleagues outside. Blogging world on the Internet can connect a universal communication .By which we are expanding views to the outside world. But many have misused the Internet world with their skills on wrong doing and own interest. Too many cases of hackers who create controversial   interfere with one’s daily life and the privacy of the Internet users.

Privacy data, email and social network such as facebook account already started been hacks. What I worry about is the influence is more on negatives thoughts rather than positives. The latest case that I know is that when an individual facebook account had been duplicated and use for political provocation. Notwithstanding any securities as advanced security provided by each browser admin such cases can still occur. Isn’t our skill given is to be used in a more harmonious and beneficial way. Such things makes non savvy users in the world of internet and computing are afraid to use the services provided.

I have watched a movie called "the branded". A Storyline about two man with greatly skills of marketing with different perception .Obviously shows how an influence of information in a brand competing between each other.  Originally the good guy feels his actions leading up to harmony way but human greed make it vice versa. That's what I understand from the film. What I want to address is the influence on person thought giving a huge impact on a person.

 Do we want the world to end to the negative direction without giving an opportunity to the next generation a taste of what we have tasted or better? Isn’t fair? I may be right and I may be wrong there is no certainty. Maybe we think the way we are doing is right and maybe people think the way we are doing it is wrong, there is no certainty or guarantee before happening.

To the parties who have provided comments and ask their consent to share my stories are most welcome as long as it is in the right direction. Because sharing is caring.